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Emerald Spiral Spring Expo

Kent Commons, 525 Fourth Avenue North, Kent, WA 98032

Vendor Application Page


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Mailing Address

Emerald Spiral Events, LLC

15731 NE 8th Street, Unit 6146  





Emerald Spiral Expo Vendor Application Information





What is a Vendor? Exhibitors, Vendors, Healers and Readers and anyone that has an approved booth. You may share a booth. For example; 2 readers, an exhibitor and one reader, etc. (2 vendors maximum per booth)

Location Date and Time: Kent Commons, 525 Fourth Avenue N, Kent, WA , the fourth Saturday in March and September. Doors open to the public at 10:00am and close at 4:00pm. (7:00am loading dock doors open to vendors for set-up and close at 6:00pm.)


Registration: Application form for New Vendors must be read, completed and signed with payment attached. Incomplete applications will not be accepted or approved. Applications will not be accepted without payment. Signed applications are acknowledgment that you have read all the rules and regulations regarding this event.

Release & Indemnity Agreement: This form must be signed by all vendors prior to set up. All persons in your booth must sign a Release and Indemnity Agreement. All applications are subject to approval by Emerald Spiral and become a legal contract.


Registration Fee: You can send payment by paypal (, credit card via telephone or

mail a check to15731 NE 8th Street Unit 6146, Bellevue WA 98008-3978.


Facility Entrance/Set Up/Tear Down: Load and unload through loading dock at the SW back side of the building and then please move your vehicle to RJC Garage. DO NOT USE THE MAIN LOBBY OF THE KENT COMMONS.

Parking: After unloading, move your vehicle to the RJC Courthouse parking garage west of the Kent Commons. DO NOT park in the Kent Commons parking lot - that is for your customers! For loading at the end of the expo, remember everyone else is doing the same thing so it is important to only bring your vehicle back to load after you have packed up your booth space.


Booth Set Up: Loading Dock doors open at 7:00 AM on Saturday. Please inspect your floor area before setting up. If there is ANY damage to your booth area, immediately notify Emerald Spiral/Kent Commons. You must be in your booth by 10:00 AM. We do opening circle at 9:30AM to 9:45 AM. Set up must be complete by 10:00AM. Doors open at 10:00am.


Booth Tear Down: The Expo doors close at 4:00 PM. Tear down begins at 4:00 PM. No early tear downs. Please ensure your floor area is cleaned up at the end of the Expo. You will be responsible for any damage to chairs, tables, and floor

area in your booth. Booths must be dismantled before 5:30PM. The building closes at 6:00 PM.

Lighting and Power: The room has adequate lighting. It is not necessary to bring extra lighting but you may if you desire. NOTE: All booths (except 7, 8, 12, 13, 18, 19, 25, 26, 31, 32, 43, 44, 55, 56, 61, 62, 67, 68, 79, 80) have access to power. Bring your own extension cord and painters tape to keep the cord in place and prevent anyone from tripping over the cord. NO DUCT TAPE.

Booth Space: Booth space will consist of two 6 ft X 2.5 ft tables and 2 chairs. Due to the number participants, space restriction will be enforced. NOTE: Only Kent Commons tables and chairs will be allowed. Bring your own table covers.


Safety: To ensure a safe (by fire regulation) and healthy (allergies, etc) Expo for everyone, burning of incense, candles or other related items is prohibited. No exceptions! We appreciate your cooperation.

No Door Prize collection but Volunteer Appreciation donations are okay: We are no longer collecting donations for drawings. If you would like to hold a drawing at your booth, it can posted in the lobby or at your booth otherwise you can make the connection directly.


Cancellations: Cancellations must be in writing (email). There are no refunds once acceptance has been made. Booth spaces belong to Emerald Spiral and CANNOT be resold by vendor without prior approval of Emerald Spiral. Please be

in your booth by 8:00am. If you are delayed, please call 425-445-8789.


Wait List: If you are notified that you are on the wait list, you will be notified at least  24 hours before the event but

sooner if you are needed. Please make sure that we have your contact info/cell phone number or email. If you are

notified, please confirm that you are available and will be there. Thank you!




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